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B01lers_CTF(Clear the Mind)

Oct 3-4, 2020

Challenge Description


They’ve gotten into your mind, but haven’t managed to dive that deep yet. Root them out before it becomes an issue.


Same as the Dream Stealing challenge, this one also inlcudes an attack against (textbook) RSA. At first I tried to obtain p and q and then solve the challenge but factordb did not work for me :(.

Then it was observed that here the value of e is relatively small compared to the modulus N. So we can perform what is called a low public exponent attack and obtain the flag.

As we remember, RSA works by raising a plaintext to a power e and then modulo that to n. So

c = plaintext**e (mod N)

Because of the small value of e, (plaintext**e) < N, so the mod N operation is basically useless. Therfore :

c = plaintext ** 3


plaintext = 3√c (Notice it is cube root not 3*√c).

Basically we need to calculate the cube root of c which can be done using gmpy.

import gmpy
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

# low public exponent attack

n = 102346477809188164149666237875831487276093753138581452189150581288274762371458335130208782251999067431416740623801548745068435494069196452555130488551392351521104832433338347876647247145940791496418976816678614449219476252610877509106424219285651012126290668046420434492850711642394317803367090778362049205437
c = 4458558515804625757984145622008292910146092770232527464448604606202639682157127059968851563875246010604577447368616002300477986613082254856311395681221546841526780960776842385163089662821
e = 3

m = gmpy.root(c, 3)[0]

Flag : flag{w3_need_7o_g0_d3ep3r}

best regards


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